Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ice Cream Party

On Monday, Claire had her 12th birthday party!!
My sweet little sister Claire surprised her dear friend Gracie Lee with a double birthday party!! Claire and Gracie Lee's birthdays are only a few days apart, so my sister wanted to throw a party for her too!! 


Food Table almost ready 

The empty spot is where the ice cream went. All the yummy toppings were out already.


 Having fun with friends

For a game we had a competition of building a structure out of marshmallows and toothpicks  

Gracie Lee

Working hard

There were a lot of sticky fingers.

Mine.....well....didn't turn out THAT great. First was the Eiffel tower  tower, next I made  the White House, then Congress, after that I tried the Battle of Gettysburg, and then a scene from War Horse... :) 

Gracie Lee, Darby, and Claire
The birthday girls serving ice cream


Eating ice cream


Opening presents

Two lovely young girls



The Birthday Girls

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Ruth!!

Last month was my little sister's b-day. So here is her belated birthday post!!!
My adorable little sister Ruth is a joy to us all. We call her our "Little Fine Mother" because she is always cleaning and helping in the kitchen.  Her  sunny smile and sweet spirit makes our day.

It was so lovely when we did her photo shoot.

Beautiful wild flowers, beautiful girl

 Playing in the creek


Sweet feet



Drawing in the sand


Walking in the garden



Show me your shoes

        Ruth walking away in her boots