Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ice Cream Party

On Monday, Claire had her 12th birthday party!!
My sweet little sister Claire surprised her dear friend Gracie Lee with a double birthday party!! Claire and Gracie Lee's birthdays are only a few days apart, so my sister wanted to throw a party for her too!! 


Food Table almost ready 

The empty spot is where the ice cream went. All the yummy toppings were out already.


 Having fun with friends

For a game we had a competition of building a structure out of marshmallows and toothpicks  

Gracie Lee

Working hard

There were a lot of sticky fingers.

Mine.....well....didn't turn out THAT great. First was the Eiffel tower  tower, next I made  the White House, then Congress, after that I tried the Battle of Gettysburg, and then a scene from War Horse... :) 

Gracie Lee, Darby, and Claire
The birthday girls serving ice cream


Eating ice cream


Opening presents

Two lovely young girls



The Birthday Girls


  1. What a great birthday party. I'm sure both of them had a blast!

    His Princess,

    1. It was a grand party! We had a lot of fun talking and eating ice cream!! I think everyone else had a good time, including the birthday girls:)
